Goodell may shorten Draft Times


Roger Goodell the new commissioner who has been putting his foot down with disciplinary issues may make another decision.  The NFL Draft is a big time event for the NFL and as of now the time limits per round are 15 minutes  for round 1, 10 minutes for round 2, and 5 minutes for the remaining rounds.  Goodell wants to shorten the times to 10 minutes for round 1, 7 for round 2 and 5 for the rest of the rounds.  The advantage of this would be one to shorten the draft all in all and two if the first round is shorter which would enable the NFL to show the newly popular NFL Draft on primetime television.  Keep an eye out in the next couple of weeks because even if coaches and owners don’t want the times to change Goodell has sole authority over this decision.  So pay close attention and be ready for this change to take place.  

A special Thanks to Benjamin Wengerd!

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